Jaya Härtlein, Dancing The Unknown

Workshop Dancing The Unknown Tuesday 2nd of May | 15.45 – 18.15 Registration What occurs in the mind and body when we improvise? By noticing sensations and thoughts as they come and go, we will become more sensitive to body/mind. In our exercises and practice, our full availability for whatever passes through us will coincide…

Jenny Haack • Engaging with Time

Workshop Tuesday 2. May | 13 – 15:30 Engaging with Time Registration In this workshop we explore the different layers and textures of movement, connecting inner and outer sources of stimulation with our compositional mind. We engage in spiral and linear movement, rotation from the joints, folding and unfolding, connecting peripheral movement of the body…

Sten Rudstrøm • The ABC’s of Action Theater™

The ABC’s of Action Theater™ – Intro to Action Theater™                                Tuesday 2nd of May | 9.30 – 12.00 Registration __________________________________ Action Theater™ is a training system in physical theater improvisation that builds vocal, verbal, and physical performance skills, hones awareness and increases expressive range. The practice is an active play in embodied presence that constantly…

Performance Tactics

Ensemble Improvisation Training 06-18 February 2017 • Berlin, Germany Performance Tactics is a 10 day improvisational ensemble performance project. Participants immediately begin improvising together on the first day and continue to build ensemble performance skills each day. You learn how to compose, support & enhance your partners’ work, as well as, add punch to the…

Emese Csornai

Emese Csornai is a theater professional with a visual art background, specialized in installation, performance and light design. She studied architecture in Budapest and received a BA at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2009. A self-taught theater lighting designer in 2007, she latered mentored with Ellen Knops, and was dramaturg and light designer…

Distant Cousins #2 • Nina Wise & Sten Rudstrom • Friday • 6 May

an empty room. Sten Rudstrøm and Nina Wise enter the stage. they don’t know what is about to happen. from out of the emptiness they craft a landscape— at the intersection of imagination, life experience and the present, an unpredictable, unique journey through human nature. . . Action Theater meets Motion Theater! Sten Rudstrøm and…