Etoile Chaville & Julian Datta — Announced After

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Announced After Duet w/ Etoile Chaville and Julian Datta In a given space-time-framework, our goal is to let a valid piece of art create itself. The content is not pre-planned. We want to let go of our ideas about the world, as well as of pre-conceived aesthetic models,…

Minusch • Birds & Noises

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Birds & Noises Solo Tickets More information coming soon! Tickets <<back to Performances

Alessio Castellacci • Voicescaping

Performance Saturday 6th of May | 20.00                                               Voicescaping —  Rhythms | Textures Solo You are invited to join an intimate space of listening, where I follow impulses and see how they ask to be organized into pulsations and textural conglomerates. It is a sound-contemplative practice, which does not take as much into account the dramaturgical,…

EAT • Wer Wir Sind Was Wer Tun

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Together Again Ensemble w/ Peter Krempelsetzer, Kate Hilder and  Sten Rudstrøm Tickets WER WIR SIND WAS WIR TUN WER WIR SIND Wir sind 6 Leute zwischen 41 und 62 Jahren, sind deutsch, englisch, französisch, amerikanisch, estländisch. Wir kommen vom Theater, von der Musik, von der Literatur, vom Tanz,…

EAT • Together Again

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Together Again Ensemble w/ Peter Krempelsetzer, Kate Hilder and  Sten Rudstrøm EAT was intiated by Sten Rudstrøm in 2007. All of the members are Action Theater™ improvisation teachers and have studied extensively with Ruth Zaporah, founder/developer Action Theater. They meet on a quarterly basis to practice and perform.…

Streugut • Improvisation #17.3

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Improvisation #17.3 Ensemble w/ Martin Clausen, Alexander Frangenheim, Ingo Reulecke, Sten Rudstrøm, Zufit Simon In Streugut, we slam several media together: movement, speech, voice and a musical instrument. We eachcome from varied trainings; our approach and understanding of how to express a feeling state, mood, attitude and/or vibration…

WAH — Amorphous Alloy

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Amorphous Alloy Ensemble w/ Anja Weber, Jagna Anderson, Dodi Helschinger anja weber – dance, electronics, e-guitar jagna anderson – dance, voice dodi helschinger – voice, poetry, e-guitar Amorphous alloys are metallic materials with a glass-like structure and astonishing properties. Used as biomaterial for implantation into bones, metallic glass…

Theater Kreatür • Now Here

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Now Here Ensemble w/ Ursula Sapel, Marion Becker, Kristina Matthiesen, Felix Quadflieg, Markus Hoft, Nadine Portillo 6 Hanseatics, average age: 52 years, for 10 years… exploring what, who and where we are moved by body, soul and spirit on time/ not on time/ out of time in the…

BIT • Piece No. 1

Performance Thursday 4th of May | 20.00                                               Piece No. 1 Ensemble w/ Britta Pudelko, Ingo Reulecke and Thomas Gerwin. BIT — dance. music, minimalism – a table, three chairs, some other sounding objects. BIT treats dance, performance and music as equal, mutually interacting essences that go beyond simple portrayals to allow what takes place on…

Trinidad Martínez Group • Dienstag

Performance Friday 5th of May | 20.00                                               Dienstag Ensmble w/ Ursula Sapel, Anne Wirth, Susanne Wehowsky, Juliette Maggu and Trinidad Martínez Ursula says that the word “Dienstag” says already so much. I love that. I love dancing and drinking coffee with my friends. – I love the silence and the sound. You and you and…